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IUCJsonActivityConfirm Method

Confirm Activity Booking

Namespace:  LSOmni.Service
Assembly:  LSOmni.Service (in LSOmni.Service.dll) Version: Commerce Service for LS Central 2024.4
ActivityResponse ActivityConfirm(
	ActivityRequest request


Type: LSRetail.Omni.Domain.DataModel.Activity.ActivitiesActivityRequest

Return Value

Type: ActivityResponse
Activity Number and Booking Reference
LS Central WS2 : ConfirmActivityV2 or V3

If property [Paid] is set, then returns details for the retail basket.

[BookingRef] should be assigned to the OrderLine and passed in with Order so retrieved basket payment through Commerce Service for LS Central will update the Activities payment status and assign the sales order document as payment document.

If activity type does not require [contactNo] then it is sufficient to provide client name.

If [ReservationNo] is blank the system will create new reservation and return the value to ReservationNo. If ReservationNo is populated parameter then the system will try to add the activity to existing reservation if the reservation exists and is neither canceled or closed.

[PromoCode] is validated and adjusts pricing accordingly.

Sample request including minimum data needed to be able to process the request in LS Commerce
REST Sample Request
   "request": {
      "ActivityTime": "\/Date(1576011600000)\/",
      "ContactAccount": "",
      "ContactName": "Tom",
      "ContactNo": "MO000008",
      "Email": "",
      "Location": "CAMBRIDGE",
      "NoOfPeople": "1",
      "OptionalResource": "",
      "OptionalComment": "",
      "Paid": "false",
      "ProductNo": "MASSAGE30",
      "PromoCode": "",
      "Quantity": "1",
      "ReservationNo": "RES0045",
      "Token": "",
See Also