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UnknownStaff Methods

The UnknownStaff type exposes the following members.

Public methodCanAddPayment (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanFloatingDecleration (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanPriceOverride (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanPrintXYZReports (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanReturnInTransaction (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanSuspendTransaction (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanTenderDecleration (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanVoidLine (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodCanVoidTransaction (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodIsManager (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodMaxDiscountToGiveAmount (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodMaxDiscountToGivePercent (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodMaxTotalDiscountAmount (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodMaxTotalDiscountPercent (Inherited from Staff.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Staff.)
See Also