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UnknownCurrency Properties

The UnknownCurrency type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAmountRoundingMethod (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyCulture (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyDecimalPlaces (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyDecimalSeparator (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyDescription (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyId (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyPostfix (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyPrefix (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyRoundOffAmount (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyRoundOffSales (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertySaleRoundingMethod (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertySymbol (Inherited from Currency.)
Public propertyThousandSeparator (Inherited from Currency.)
See Also